Regents Living Environment Test Preparation Practice

    Organization Of Ecosystems


    Base your answers to questions 4 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents a food web in an ecosystem.

    ecology, relationships among organisms fig: lenv62013-examw_g11.png


    Base your answers to questions 5 on the graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The graph shows the growth of a population of rabbits in a specific ecosystem.

    ecology, organization of ecosystems  fig: lenv62014-examw_g10.png


    Base your answers to questions 9 on the diagrams below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagrams represent how various populations interact in a forest environment.

    ecology, organization of ecosystems  fig: lenv12013-exam_g26.png


    Base your answers to questions 10 on the chart below and on your knowledge of biology. The chart shows seasonal changes in an ecosystem and the overall carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

    ecology, organization of ecosystems  fig: lenv12016-examw_g17.png


    Base your answers to questions 11 on the food web represented below and on your knowledge of biology. The food web contains some of the organisms found in Glacier National Park.

    ecology, energy flow and food web, ecology, relationships among organisms fig: lenv12019-examw_g19.png


    Base your answers to questions 13 on the information and photograph below and on your knowledge of biology. The photograph shows a grasshopper mouse howling after eating a scorpion.

    ecology, energy flow and food web fig: lenv82018-exampw_g27.png

    Grasshopper Mice

    In the Sonoran Desert in the southwestern United States, the grasshopper mouse is active at night, searching for crickets, rodents, tarantulas, and even scorpions. The mouse ignores the venom of the scorpion, kills it, and consumes its flesh. The ability of the mouse to ignore the pain normally associated with the venom of the scorpion is due to the presence of a mutated protein. This protein prevents the pain signal from reaching the brain.

    These mice are born killers, capable of taking down prey that are much larger than themselves. They are also aggressive neighbors and take over nests by displacing other desert inhabitants rather than making their own. Under difficult environmental conditions, they may even eat members of their own species.


    Base your answers to questions 14 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.

    Found: A Plant-Eating Spider

    Spiders are meat-eaters. Until recently, scientists thought that was true for the roughly 40,000 spider species in the world. Now, researchers have discovered a spider that eats mostly plants.

    Bagheera kiplingi, a jumping spider, lives in Central America and Mexico. It nests in the leaves of acacia shrubs. Scientists have long known that ants live in these plants. The ants eat the plants’ little yellow vegetables. But scientists had no idea that the spiders eat the vegetables too.

    Christopher Meehan was a college student when he found the plant nibbling spiders. “I thought I was hallucinating,” he told TFK (Time for Kids). “But by the end of the day, I had seen about 100 more spiders eating plants.”

    Source: Time for Kids World Report,

    Edition 10/23/09 Vol. 15, #7 p.3


    Base your answers to questions 15 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.

    Hydrothermal Vent Communities

    Scientists discovered a unique hydrothermal ecosystem on the sea floor at hot-water vents thousands of feet below the ocean surface. Organisms in these deep-sea regions have no access to sunlight, so they depend on the heat, methane, and high levels of sulfur-bearing minerals found in the heated fluids in which they live. Scientists were amazed to discover vent communities able to sustain vast amounts of life. The vent organisms depend on bacteria that can use the sulfur-bearing minerals to produce organic materials. These bacteria live on rock surfaces and as free-floating blobs. Some bacteria live within and provide nutrients for an unusual species of giant tubeworms that lacks a digestive system. Snails, shrimp, and clams are among the animals that feed directly on the bacteria. Crabs feed directly on other animals in the vent community.
